P.O.V.-Place II


Old - Misc-scenes

My old site contained a gallery called "Misc-Scenes". Here you can view them.

Remake of a Lightflow-demo-picture (NOT entirely my work! I just tweaked the lighting a bit!)
Tea and an apple...
Remake of Chris Colefax' Waterlin (included with his city-generator)
Some fruit and cigarettes...
Island, nighttime...
Island, daytime...
His first time...
A Desk with a glass...

The face of a girl, modelled in Lightwave, rendered in POV-Ray, with radiosity.

A simple 'composition' with a HDRI background... and radiosity of course.
A candle for everyone who had exams... (including myself...)
Remake of my Nut-image :)
Another remake of that Lightflow-demo-image...
A nut... Not much else to say, is there?